I direct a critical care pharmacist PGY-2 residency
program and monitor the progress of the resident and
interactions with other preceptors in our health-system.
I participate in multiprofessional journal club discussions,
case conferences and quality review meetings. Like other
professionals I seek to maintain a role in scholarly contri-
butions to the literature and to maintain competency
and be current with the burgeoning literature. As a Board
Certified Critical Care Pharmacist, I have a requirement
for continuing education and maintenance of certifica-
tion, and as a licensed pharmacist I must also maintain
continuing education.
While the clinical pharmacy programs are in various stages
of development globally the need for specialists with a broad
focus on medications and their optimal use is universal. The
American College of Clinical Pharmacists has supported
these training programs and provided education to indi-
viduals and groups. Their publications are used for prepara-
tion and maintenance of board certification by pharmacists
worldwide. This outreach is expected to continue, as more
partners are engaged and more pharmacists and their
multiprofessional teams recognize the opportunities for
clinical pharmacists to improve patient care.
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The author declares no conflicts of interest in relation to this article.
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[REV. MED. CLIN. CONDES - 2016; 27(5) 571-577]