1134-0096/$ - see front matter © 2013 Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
Volume 23. Issue 5. September-October 2016
Cirugía Cardiovascular
Pulmonary valve replacement after tetralogy of Fallot
repair. A never ending story
J.I. Aramendi ..............................................
Original Articles
Surgical reinterventions in Fallot patients during
adulthood: An emerging population
M.L. Polo López, Á. Aroca Peinado,
Á. González Rocafort, M. Bret Zurita,
J. Rey Lois, R. Sánchez Pérez, F. Villagrá Blanco,
J.M. Oliver Ruiz and Á. Sánchez Recalde ............
Postoperative morbidity improvement in isolated aortic
valve replacement with mini-sternotomy: A propensity
score matched study
E.A. Rodríguez-Caulo, J.J. Otero Forero,
M.J. Mataró, G. Sánchez Espín, C. Porras,
A. Guzón, M. Such and J.M. Melero ...................
Transplant after the Fontan procedure: Surgical aspects
J.-M. Gil-Jaurena, M. Camino, R. Pérez-Caballero,
A. Pita, M.-T. González-López, J.-J. Zunzunegui,
N. Gil-Villanueva and C. Medrano .....................
Special Article
Role of transoesophageal echocardiography in minimally
invasive mitral valve surgery
P. Carmona García, C.L. Errando
and I. Zarragoikoetxea Jauregui ......................
Cardiovascular Continuing Education
What is the profile of the patient for aortic valve repair?
C. Porras, G. Sánchez-Espín, J.J. Otero,
M.J. Mataró, E. Rodríguez-Caulo, A. Guzón,
J.M. Melero, I. Rodríguez-Bailón and M. Such ......
Brief Communications
Aortic and pulmonary endocarditis with hemorrhagic
stroke complication: Which is the ideal surgical time?
A.F. Narvaez Muñoz, A. Granda Bauza,
J. Sierra Quiroga, B. Adrio Nazar
and L. Reija Lopez .......................................
Delayed diagnosis of a patient with cor triatriatum
sinister. Case report
F.J. Vázquez-Roque, Y. Medrano-Plana,
A. González-Díaz, Y. Quíntero-Fleites,
A. Castro Expósito and R. Leiva Castro ..............
Heart and lung surgery in a patient with histoplasmoma
F.J. Vázquez-Roque, Y. Medrano-Plana,
R.E. Morales Valdés, Y. Quintero-Fleites,
A. González-Díaz, A. Castillo Vitlloch,
M. Nápoles Lizano and D. Rivero Valerón ............
Images in Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery
Natural evolution of aortic aneurysmal disease
R. Castillo-Martín, L. Rubio-Lobato,
J.A. Martín-Manzano, J.I. Zabala-Argüelles
and F. Calleja-Rosas .....................................
Bibliographic Remark
Methylprednisolone in patients undergoing
cardiopulmonary bypass (SIRS): a randomised,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
S. Sánchez Cánovas and A. García Candel ...........
Letter to the Editor
Comments to original article «Unusual surgery for aortic
R. Manrique, J. Meseguer and J.A. Casillas .........