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tion may not provide substantial benefit. These individuals

are often able to hear speech but not understand it as the

important mid-high frequency information is not audible.

Treatment options for this population are limited. It is often

difficult to provide the large variation in gain required at

different frequencies using a conventional HA and some

individuals may not even require any amplification in the

low frequencies. Frequency transposition hearing aids,

which compress a wide input frequency range into the

(audible) low frequencies, might be expected to provide

substantial benefit in this population, but to date clinical

outcomes with currently available devices have been disap-

pointing (4,5).

Cochlear implantation has become a routine treatment for

severe – profound hearing loss over the past 30 years and

listening performance has consistently been shown to be

improved in individuals with no preoperative hearing or

those who cannot benefit significantly from conventional

HAs. However, while high levels of performance are often

reported in favourable listening situations, CI users typi-

cally have substantial difficulty in segregating competing

speakers or in background noise conditions. This difficulty is

believed to be largely due to relatively poor representation

of the low frequency “fine structure” of the acoustic signal

(i.e. the voicing fundamental frequency range) by electrical

stimulation (6,7).

Candidacy criteria for cochlear implantation typically

involve specified levels of preoperative speech under-

standing (using HAs where appropriate) and unaided audio-

metric thresholds (8). Individuals with severely sloping high

frequency hearing losses often fall within these criteria, but

may be reluctant to proceed with implantation due to fears

of losing their residual natural hearing. During the early

years of cochlear implantation it was assumed that any

residual hearing would be lost following surgery, but later

experience has shown that hearing loss is not inevitable,

particularly when “soft surgery” techniques are employed.

Individuals with steeply sloping hearing loss have repre-

sented a particularly interesting population in the field of

cochlear implantation in recent years. As a CI electrode

is usually inserted via the basal (high frequency) region

of the cochlea it was postulated that combined electrical

and acoustic stimulation might provide a feasible treat-

ment option for this population. In principle, a CI electrode

inserted into the basal region of the cochlea could provide

high frequency information by electrical stimulation

and possibly preserve the residual apical (low frequency)

cochlear function which could be provided with acoustic

amplification if required. Such a combination might be

more effective than either acoustic or electrical stimulation

in isolation. In this article, we aim to provide an overview

of existing clinical experience relating to “electro-acoustic

stimulation” (EAS) together with hardware options avail-

able from Cochlear Ltd and with an update of recent clinical


Principles and implementation of EAS

Much of the early work on EAS included animal studies into

the physiology of combined electrical and acoustic stimu-

lation (9), in an attempt to clarify whether the two modal-

ities could provide effective synergistic stimulation of the

spiral ganglion cells. This was considered important as the

firing patterns produced by electrical and acoustic stimula-

tion differ considerably. However, progress with the clinical

application of EAS has arguably been more directly influ-

enced by parallel clinical studies. As outcomes from CI have

generally improved over the years, individuals with greater

levels of residual hearing have been implanted. When

there is some level of useful (aidable) hearing, individuals

are often implanted in the poorer ear in order to avoid any

risk of poorer outcomes post-implantation. Many studies

have reported that such CI recipients can benefit from the

combination of electrical stimulation in the implanted ear

and acoustic input on the opposite side, i.e. “bimodal stimu-

lation” (10,11). This demonstrates that the central auditory

system is able to effectively combine the neural responses

to electrical and acoustic stimulation.

Many of the early trials with combined electrical and

acoustic stimulation in the same ear used relatively short

electrode arrays in the anticipation that these would facil-

itate better preservation of low frequency acoustic hearing

than conventional full length arrays. Cochlear Ltd produced

two commercial devices based around the CI24RE Freedom

implantable cochlear stimulator. The Hybrid S8 device used

a 10mm electrode array with 6 active electrode contacts.

A multicentre trial in the US reported useable preserved

low frequency hearing in 80% of subjects after 1 year, and

significant improvement in speech understanding from the

addition of acoustic input was demonstrated in 82.5% of

subjects (12). However, a minority of subjects appear to

lose residual hearing at surgery or some time later (13),

and in this situation a very short electrode array usually

provides less hearing benefit than a conventional array (14).

For this reason, an alternative array, the “Hybrid L24” was

subsequently produced by Cochlear. The Hybrid L24 has

22 contacts spaced over 17mm, and typically extends to

around 270o from the round window, i.e. to the 2000 Hz

region of the cochlea (15). High levels of hearing preserva-

[Electro-Acoustic Stimulation - an option when hearing aids are not enough - Herbert Mauch Biomed Eng. et al.]