1134-0096/$ - see front matter © 2013 Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
Volume 23. Issue 3. May-June 2016
Cirugía Cardiovascular
Original Articles
Infective endocarditis in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Is surgery indicated?
J. Miguelena, T. Centella, J. López, E. Navas,
M. Martín, A. Redondo, L. Varela, R. Muñoz,
I. Garcia-Andrade, E. Oliva, D. Celemín,
J.L. Moya and J. Rodriguez-Roda .....................
Vascular rings and tracheoesophageal compression:
15 years of surgical experience
R. Sánchez Pérez, J. Rey Lois, L. Polo López,
Á. Aroca Peinado, Á. González Rocafort,
R. Pérez González, L. Deiros Bronte,
M. Bret Zurita, L. García-Guereta Silva,
J. Diez Sebastián and F. Villagrá Blanco ..............
Anatomo-electrical analysis of atrial remodelling
for long-term success prediction of concomitant
surgical ablaton of atrial fibrillation
E. Martín, F. Hornero, J.J. Rieta, A. Hernández,
F. Paredes, A. Mena, Ó. Gil, S. Cánovas,
R. García and J.M. León ................................
Cardiovascular Continuing Education
Surgical approaches in occlusive aorto-iliac disease
R. Lara-Hernández........................................
Brief Communications
Surgical correction of anomalous origin of the right
coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery
G.J. Chaud, S.A. Parisi, J.I. Revigliono,
G. Paladini, G.P. Rodriguez
and M.A. Martínez Colombres .........................
Unusual surgery for aortic coarctation
J.M. Arqué, C. Porras, M. Such, J. Pinedo,
C. Urbano and C. Ramos ................................
Images in Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery
Late cardiac tamponade after stab wound
A. Bermúdez-García, T. Daroca-Martinez,
M. Alcantaro-Montoya, D. Macías-Rubio
and N. García-Borges ....................................
Quadricuspid aortic valve
M.G. Bouza and B. Ramchandani Ramchandani .....
Bibliographic Remark
Minimally invasive port access approach
for reoperations on the mitral valve
D. Pereda ..................................................
Letter to the Editor
Del Nido cardioplegia
A. Martín-Trenor ..........................................
In memoriam
El irrepetible Pedro Antonio. Pedro Antonio Sánchez
Fernández (Sevilla, 1935-Madrid, 2016)
J.M. Revuelta .............................................
Congreso SEICV Santander 2015
IV Congreso SEICAV
C.F. Álvarez, J.F.G. Díez, P.M. García
and Carlos-A.M. Lucio ...................................
IV Congreso SEICAV
C.F. Álvarez, J.F.G. Díez, P.M. García
and Carlos-A.M. Lucio ...................................