Combined loss of the short arm of chromosome 1 and the
long of chromosome 19 is a hallmark genetic feature of
oligodendrogliomas (20). 1p and 19q codeleted tumors
carry a much better prognosis in comparison to similar grade
tumors without codeletion. A single deletion of either 1p
or 19q does not carry the same prognostic significance and
may in fact represent poorer prognosis. Histological evidence
of an oligodendroglioma is almost always coexistent with
mutations (21). Cairncross et al. in 1998 reported
1p/19q-codeletion status to be a predictive biomarker and
prognostic with longer overall survival in anaplastic oligo-
dendroglioma patients (22). RTOG 9402 (23) (neoadju-
vant chemotherapy) and EORTC 26951 (24) (post–radiation
chemotherapy) both utilizing combination chemotherapy
of procarbazine, CCNU and vincristine showed doubling of
survival in patients treated with initial chemoradiation versus
radiation therapy alone, thereby confirming the predictive
role of this molecular marker. RTOG 9802 (3) using a similar
approach in high-risk grade II tumors did not have a suffi-
ciently large enough sample size to measure the differential
effect, although the European study EORTC 22033 did report
best outcomes in
-mutant and 1p/19q-codeleted tumors
(15). Less responsiveness of the
-mutant non-codeleted
tumor patients to chemotherapy alone highly suggests the
predictive role of this biomarker. 1p/19q-codeletion testing
can be done either by fluorescent in-situ hybridization,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based microsatellite anal-
ysis, or the use of newer methods such as microarrays, all of
which require sufficient time and are usually not available at
the time of diagnosis. A newer biomarker, mutated ATRX, is
almost always mutually exclusive of 1p/19q-codeletion (25)
and can be interrogated quickly through immunohistochem-
istry testing (IHC loss indicating presence of the inactivating
mutation). This testing is increasingly becoming part of the
diagnostic algorithm, as indicated in the updated 2016 WHO
classification (Figure 1).
Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT (O6-methylguanine–DNA
methyltransferase) gene by promoter methylation has been
associated with longer overall survival in patients with newly
diagnosed glioblastoma treated with alkylator chemotherapy,
especially in the elderly population (26,27), which resulted
in MGMT testing as standard of care in this patient popula-
tion. In the exploratory analysis of patients with anaplastic
astrocytoma in the NOA-4 trial, MGMT promoter methylation
predicted benefit to alkylator chemotherapy only in patients
-wildtype but not in
-mutant tumors (14). This
will need further testing in prospective clinical trials. The
technique of testing MGMT in tumor specimens has been
an issue of ongoing debate. In clinical practice DNA-based
methylation-specific PCR (MS-PCR) is the most commonly
used test. MGMT protein testing by IHC, real time PCR, meth-
ylation specific pyrosequencing, methylation-specific multi-
plex ligation–dependent probe amplification, and mRNA
expression testing are some of the other MGMT analysis
methods. There is currently a lack of consensus regarding the
most optimal method and the cut-off values used for each
testing, which makes interpretation of clinical studies diffi-
cult. Another challenge is the heterogeneity of tumor spec-
imens, especially when biopsies alone are available which
results in variable frequency of methylation thereby making
the final determination of methylation difficult. Approxi-
mately 15% of patients treated with temozolomide survived
2 years or more despite having MGMT nonmethylated tumors
(28). This suggests other mechanisms that may be respon-
sible for improved response to treatment. One such mecha-
nism that has been proposed is the presence of the T allele
rs16906252 T genotype, which has been shown to be asso-
ciated with better survival, irrespective of tumor methylation
status (29). Although a large majority of recurrent GBM tumors
have shown to have retained the MGMT methylation status,
their preferential response to chemotherapy in this setting
has not been statistically proven (30-33). MGMT methylated
status has been significantly correlated (30%) with the inci-
dence of pseudoprogression (34) which is believed to reflect
increased glioma killing effects of treatment. It is usually seen
within the first 3 months of chemoradiotherapy treatment,
but may be seen up to 6 months making interpretation of
followup MRI scans complicated.
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a 170-kDa trans-
membrane glycoprotein with an extracellular ligand binding
domain and a cytoplasmic domain containing a tyrosine
kinase. It is associated with a more aggressive phenotype
and is overexpressed in the small cell variant of glioblas-
toma (35,36). Although preclinical results suggested activity
of monotherapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (37), the
clinical trials using this mechanism failed to show ther-
apeutic activity (38) suggesting that alternative kinase
signaling pathways may be involved or there is heteroge-
neous expression of EGFR (39). An in-frame deletion of 801
base pairs in the extracellular domain of EGFR gene defines
EGFRvIII, a genetic variant of the EGFR gene that is associated
with poor survival (40), but this has been debated in some
other studies (41). EGFRvIII has been reported in about 50%
of EGFR-amplified glioblastomas and in 20–30% of primary
glioblastoma (42). A targeted peptide vaccine against
EGFRvIII conjugated with keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)
paved the way for exploring immunotherapy as a treatment
[REV. MED. CLIN. CONDES - 2017; 28(3) 343-351]