1134-0096/$ - see front matter © 2013 Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
Volume 23. Issue 1. January-February 2016
Cirugía Cardiovascular
Is there still a place for coronary surgery without
extracorporeal circulation in 2015? Only in an
ocassional basis
J.M. González Santos and M.E. Arnáiz-García ......
Is there still a role for off-pump coronary artery bypass
grafting in 2015? Certainly yes
D.P. Taggart ................................................
Is there still a role for off-pump CABG in 2015? Certainly
D.P. Taggart ................................................
Original Articles
Early and mid-term outcomes in isolated coronary
artery bypass grafting with bilateral internal thoracic
artery in 497 patients
C.-E. Martín López, J.M. Martínez Comendador,
J. Gualis Cardona, J. Gómez-Plana Usero,
E. Martín Gutiérrez, J. Otero Saiz, B. de Prada Martín,
M.J. Alonso Porto and M. Castaño Ruíz ..............
Strategy to reduce the operative risk in REDO coronary
artery bypass grafting. Approaches. Techniques.
Preventive measurements
C. Borzellino, P. Mendoza, G. Guida, E. de Garate,
M. Vázquez, G. Guida, A. lo Cascio, M.E. Tovar,
M. Pecchinenda and M. Guida .........................
Surgical correction in adults with Fallot previously
unoperated or just palliated: Fiction or reality?
M.L. Polo López, Á.A. Peinado, Á.G. Rocafort,
M.B. Zurita, J.R. Lois, F.V. Blanco, J.M. Oliver Ruiz
and Á.S. Recalde .........................................
Special Article
Double antiplatelet therapy after coronary surgery:
A review of literature
E. Martín Gutiérrez, M. Castaño Ruiz,
J.A. Gualis Cardona, J.M. Martínez Comendador,
J. Otero Sáiz and P. Maiorano ..........................
Cardiovascular Continuing Education
Acute aortic syndrome
J. Bustamante-Munguira and M. Juez ................
Surgical techniques in type A aortic dissection surgery
A. Vázquez ................................................
Case Reports
Surgical treatment of Amplatzer
migration in a
paediatric patient with ductus arterius
J.M. Mantilla, J.L. Olaya, M.F. Enriquez,
E. Vanegas and J.L. Cely-Andrade .....................
Surgical rescue of an embolised or malpositioned
intracardiac closure device
A. Jimenez-Aceituna, J. Perez-Andreu,
P. Albaladejo-da Silva and S.J. Canovas-Lopez ......
Images in Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery
Absence of the inferior cava: Surprising finding after
deep vein thrombosis
B. Arencibia-Pérez, M.J. Rico-Ballester
and Á. López-Castillo ...................................
Extended transsternal thymectomy for the removal
a large thymoma
F.J. Vázquez-Roque, L. Fuentes-Herrera,
A. Ceballos-Rodriguez, L.A. González-Borges,
M.O. Hernández-Oliver and D. Rivero-Valerón ......
Bibliographic Remarks
Worse long-term survival after off-pump than on-pump
coronary artery bypass grafting
D. Hernandez-Vaquero, R. Díaz and J. Silva .........
Additional material available