1134-0096/$ - see front matter © 2013 Sociedad Española de Cirugía Torácica-Cardiovascular. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.
Volume 23. Issue 4. July-August 2016
Cirugía Cardiovascular
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Which is the
best alternative approach?
V.X. Mosquera, J.M. Herrera-Noreña and J.J. Cuenca ...
Interesting results for a high risk condition: severe
aortic stenosis with left ventricular dysfunction
L. Galian and P. Tornos ..................................
Original Articles
Step by step description of the transaortic transcatheter
technique for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis
O.A. Araji, A. Gordillo, A. Fernández, J.M. Barquero
and A. Castro .............................................
Long-term follow up after aortic valve replacement in
patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Experience
in a centre
G. Candela-Navarro, M. Esteban-Molina,
J.M. Aguilar-Jiménez, L. Nuila-Durán,
F. Gomera-Martínez, A. Abdallah, J. Lara-Torrano,
S. López-Checa and M. Calleja-Hernández ..........
Operatory impact of modified ultrafiltration in pediatric
congenital heart disease patients operated with
cardiopulmonary bypass
P.J. Curi-Curi, M.R. Springall del Villar,
L. Gómez-García, B. González Vergara,
J. Calderón-Colmenero, S. Ramírez-Marroquín
and J.L. Cervantes-Salazar .............................
Special Articles
Computed tomography and magnetic resonance
evaluation prior to transcatheter aortic valve
implantation: What the cardiac surgeon needs to know
P. García-González, J. Estornell-Erill,
M.P. Lopez-Lereu and J.V. Monmeneu-Menadas .....
2016 Expert consensus document on prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of short-term peripheral
venous catheter-related infections in adults
J.A. Capdevila, M. Guembe, J. Barberán, A. de Alarcón,
E. Bouza, M.C. Fariñas, J. Gálvez, M.A. Goenaga,
F. Gutiérrez, M. Kestler, P. Llinares, J.M. Miró,
M. Montejo, P. Muñoz, M. Rodriguez-Creixems,
D. Sousa, J. Cuenca and C.-A. Mestres, on behalf
the SEICAV, SEMI, SEQ and SECTCV Societies ...........
Cardiovascular Continuing Education
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation. A review
of the surgical approach
O. Gil Albarova, M. Juez, A. Berenguer, D. Sanmiguel
and J. Sirgo Gonzalez ...................................
Brief Communications
Anomalous left pulmonary venous drainage repair
with an off-pump left thoracotomy
A. Pita-Fernández, J.-M. Gil-Jaurena,
H. Rodríguez-Abella, R. Perez-Caballero,
M.-T. González-López and A. González-Pinto .......
Pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta complicated
by impending rupture and severe hemoptysis after
cardiac surgery
V.X. Mosquera, C. Velasco, M. Solla-Buceta
and F. Felipe-Pombo .....................................
Images in Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery
Surgical repair of post-infarction left ventricular
rupture by modified Dor technique
E. Martín Gutiérrez, J.M. Martínez Comendador
and E. Martínez Paz .....................................
Gas inside the pulmonary artery due to prosthetic
A. Blasco-Lucas, E. Permanyer, H. Cuéllar,
N. Fernández-Hidalgo and A. Sambola ...............
Letter to the Editor
Unusual surgery for aortic coarctation
A. Aris ......................................................
Bibliographic Remarks
The contribution of the anaesthetist to risk-adjusted
mortality after cardiac surgery
L. Gallego Ligorit .........................................
The impact of anesthesiologists on coronary artery
bypass graft surgery outcomes
M. Júlvez Blancas .........................................