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lot in creating awareness and get their associations organised the

best way. We have parents who are also doctors or professionals

involved with PWS in China, Cuba, Egypt, Denmark, Hong Kong

and Qatar. In many countries we started with a parent, especially

mothers, who decided to take the lead and start talking about

PWS, as it happened with Chile.

In 1999 a mother from Arica contacted me by email saying she

suspected her daughter had Prader Willi syndrome and she asked

me information about. I gave her all information I had in Spanish

and translated other documents from English I thought to be

interesting. Once she got these information she contacted the

national TV and decided to go to Santiago to participate to a talk

show to explain what PWS was using all information she got from

me. Soon after many cases arose and the first cell of the Chilean

PWS Association was formed. In 2002 IPWSO organised the 2nd

PWS Latin America Conference in Chile in close cooperation

with the local association and I asked organisers to contact that

mother in Arica and invite her to join us because I wanted to know

her personally. She came with her daughter and we had a very

touching meeting together. She asked Dr. Suzanne Cassidy, who

was key speaker in Santiago, to visit her daughter and she was

told her daughter had not Prader Willi Syndrome. I can’t forget

this courageous mother who did so much for PWS in Chile and

then discovered her daughter had something else. My friend

Dr. Fanny Cortes was there and she will remember the case. I do

hope this girl was diagnosed and this mother had the opportunity

to follow her properly. This is just a first case I wanted to report

as an example because you are from Chile and must realise

what parents can do. I always say: “PARENTS CAN MOVE THE


When I became IPWSO President in 1998 we had very little

money available as we could count on our subscription fees only

and had no access to pharmaceutical companies sponsorship yet.

I used my frequent travelling around the world for business and

also for my music activities and concerts to visit hospitals and

especially to meet parents I had the opportunity to get in touch

with via email. In 1999 I had a tour of concerts in Uruguay and

Argentina so I could meet parents in both countries for the first

time. In Montevideo I met 9 desperate mothers, because their

husbands abandoned them soon after the diagnosis of their

child was confirmed. This is unfortunately a common story I came

across in many countries in the world. I listened to this group of

mother for over 6 hours because they needed to discharge the

heavy load they were carrying for years in their hearts. At the

end they thanked me for my visit, not only as IPWSO President,

but also as a man whom they could trust again. Today Uruguay

has one of the most organised PWS Associations all over Latin

America, but everything started that day when scared, shy and

worried mothers became leaders and knew they were no more


In 2002, thanks to the generosity of some Italian parents, we

organised the 1st IPWSO Delegates Meeting at BIRD (Italy) in

April 2002 with 90 participants from 44 different countries.

A milestone in IPWSO history. Here below you can read what a

mother from Guatemala wrote about this experience:

We are a family from Guatemala with 5 people. Two girls and a boy,

who is our second child, who is affected by Prader Willi Syndrome.

His name is Luis Javier Barrios Urizar and we have been to BIRD in

Italy in the year 2002. Following our participation to this Meeting we

achieved as follows:

1. Real and true information about PWS

2. Information that can give us real life expectations for our child

3. Information needed to offer a better quality life to our child

4. Information about what problems we can face if we do not follow

the guidelines and do not take care of him

5. Information about diet to obtain an acceptable weight control


6. Information about the psychological therapy needed for the whole


7. Information about behaviour disorders we might face

8. Information about the existence of different drugs to help facing

various negative aspects of the syndrome

9. Information about the existence of a large International family

where everyone can offer his own personal support and experience to

new families having a baby with PWS

10. To know and meet the best specialists in the world about PWS and

have the possibility to talk and write to them.

The delegates meeting at BIRD in Italy changed our lives. Living in a

poor undeveloped country in Latin America we were not educated and

could not afford to travel so far. In our country there are no schools or

Institutes that take care of children with this kind of disease, so once we

got all the information we needed we parents created our own support

group to educate and follow our children at home and we do our best

to facilitate the possibility for our children to live in our society, which is

not ready now to accept disabled people. Our life changed completely

thanks to the information we got from IPWSO and through the precious

sharing we had with other associations in the world. We have to say

that we feel stronger and safe to belong to such an International group

where we help each other and where we are continuously updated

about research and new drugs that can help our children.

A great service we achieved was the free methylation test at BIRD

which gave us the possibility to send blood samples of three more

children and have a negative answer, so we could investigate in other


Mayra Urízar

Luis Javier mother

[The important role of Parent Organisations to follow patients affected by Rare Diseases - Giorgio Fornasier]