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opportunity you had and what you learned at this fantastic

meeting. Work hard and let other Cuban children with PWS live!”

In October 2013 I organised a Meeting called “Convivencia” for

families with children affected by PWS in Cuba in cooperation with

Caritas. I personally raised funds for a two years project through a

tour of concerts I made in Rome in close cooperation with Caritas

at the Vatican.

Cuba is a big Island 1.200 km. long where 11 million people live,

distributed in 14 different provinces. The majority of parents who

participated to the 3 days “Convivencia” never travelled outside

their own town or province, because they cannot afford and never

stayed in a Hotel before.

In such a situation a Cuban family with a chid affected by Prader

Willi Sindrome or any other particular rare disease is left alone

to manage something they ignore without any guidelines and

information about the disease and what the future will bring.

Difficulties to contact other families not having access to any

communication system common in our countries increased their

frustration and loneliness. For this reason we planned a special

meeting for them in Ciego de Ávila called “Convivencia” from 18

until 20 October 2013 with all families hosted in a Motel located

in a nice area outside the town they achieved from the local

Government Office. We had an incredible participation in spite of

all communication and public transport problems and must thank

Caritas for their network of churches covering the whole island.

22 people with PWS from 4 until 34 years old participated with

their families coming from all Cuba territory. In total we had 64

people as families, plus volunteers and caregivers for a total of

over 90 persons involved. The meeting started on October the

18th in the morning with a very difficult and brave action as we

separated parents from their own children, which never happened

before. Parents were really worried and suffered a lot for that,

while it was much easier for the kids. Mariona Nadal from Spain

took care of them and coordinated the whole program at the Zoo

together with caregivers and volunteers she properly instructed

how to manage people with PWS. Everything went well without

any significant problem or crisis and they had to send messages

by mobile phone quite often to people following parents to keep

them calm and tell them not to worry about.

Parents immediately felt at ease and realised they had at last the

opportunity to achieve answers to questions they accumulated for

years. Sometimes we had to stop people’s outburst and talking

and let them often cry freely, as if a big glacier was melting. They

did appreciate our presence as a family coming from the other

side of the ocean with the oldest child of the group asking so many

questions about our experience in managing Daniele and having

also the possibility to ask him questions directly. I would like to

end this report to the Board translating from Spanish an email

sent to Moris Angulo by a doctor in Cuba the day before I left Italy.

This is the proof of what achievements we can have when IPWSO

succeeds in organising parents and professionals in a country:

Hi doctor! How are you? It’s a long time I have not your news.

I wish to inform you about something that made me very happy.

The Director of Health and Care in my province called me yesterday to

tell me they accepted my request to attend and follow children with

PWS. My patients have more than 20 years, so I was unable to follow

them at the hospital, being a paediatrician.

From now on I am allowed by the Government to attend them and

cure them at the Paediatric Hospital where I work, any time they need,

independently from their age!!

This permission allows me to continue being their own doctor.

Moreover they can achieve food at a favourable price even if they are

more than 18 years old. The good thing is that any other children with

PWS in Cuba can have the same treatment entering my hospital. A

good news at last!!

I know Loisel is gathering parents and children with PWS in these days,

but I am sorry I cannot join them. Anyhow, this is another dream come


Take care



I would like to end my article with our personal stories and

experience, having a son with PWS who is an adult.


Our son Daniele is 39 years old today. After he finished his studies

at a professional school, he worked successfully in a couple of

factories for over 11 years and was happy to live a life that looked

normal to him. Two years ago, all of a sudden something changed

dramatically and we think someone at work offended him saying

he was a disabled boy without a future. He probably opened his

eyes on a different reality and realized he was nearly 30 years

old, most of his schoolmates were driving a car, had their own

apartment and were married with children… He had nothing

instead and no hope or expectations to have it in the future! He

fell into a depression, left his job and kept crying all day long.

Facing this crisis, we felt lost and desperate and took him to a

specialized Hospital in Milano. For the first time in his life he had to

take psychotropic drugs to overcome his paranoiac obsession and

after a few months he forgot about his Spanish identity and was

Daniele again. But he was no more the lovely, cheerful and caring

boy we knew and we had to accept this change and a new reality.

To worsen the situation ten months ago his brother Redi, who

is only one year older, became father of a beautiful boy whose

name is Alessio. You can imagine how happy we were, but Daniele

wasn’t and strongly refused to be called as a uncle and did not

[REV. MED. CLIN. CONDES - 2015; 26(4) 503-510]