twice daily dose had a 53.6% probability of temperature
resolution compared with 79.7% for the once daily regimen.
Additionally, nephrotoxicity of the twice daily dose was
predicted to be significantly greater (24.6%) than the once
daily regimen (
1%). The specific dose needed to obtain
efficacy would therefore be dependent on the MIC of
gram-negative bacteria in one’s clinical population and the
patient’s renal function. If MICs are below 1mg/L, doses of
3-5mg/kg once daily would be sufficient to obtain adequate
exposure thresholds. The Hartford Nomogram dose of
7mg/kg was designed to achieve optimal Cmax/MIC ratios
for gentamicin and tobramycin at the MIC of 2mg/L,
which was the MIC90 for
P. aeruginosa
at the institution
at that time. In contrast, MICs of 4mg/L would require
dosages of 10-14mg/kg daily to achieve the requisite
pharmacodynamic targets. For patients with normal kidney
function, these doses could be administered daily; however,
for patients with moderate to severe renal failure, re-dosing
should be delayed until concentrations fall below 1mg/L.
Despite no change to the FDA labels, optimized, high-dose,
extended-interval aminoglycoside dosing is now the most
common dosing regimen employed for this antibiotic class (10).
bactericidal activity, and in general, require fT
MIC for
50% of the dosing interval to achieve maximal effects;
however, exposure can vary by the specific beta-lactam
class. For instance, while the penicillin-based beta-
lactams are reported to require 50% fT
MIC, human and
animal studies with cephalosporins suggest a requirement
between 50% and 70% fT
MIC (11-13). The carbapenems
(i.e., doripenem, ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem) are
generally thought to achieve maximum bactericidal activity
40% fT
MIC (14). As a result, maximizing the time that
concentrations remain above the MIC is the administration
strategy. Various methods have been employed to
maximize T
MIC, including giving higher dosages,
administering the drugs more often, and prolonging the
infusion time (either to 3-4 hours depending on room
temperature stability or continuously over 24 hours). In
general, the most effective way to optimize exposure,
particularly against MDR gram-negative bacteria, to both
increase the administered dose and prolong the infusion,
thereby maintaining a concentration above higher MICs
for the required bactericidal exposure time. This has been
applied to beta-lactams such as cefepime, doripenem,
and meropenem in numerous studies. In patients with
normal renal function, 2 grams every 8 hours (each dose
administered as a 3 or 4 hour prolonged infusions) dosing
regimens achieve a high probability of treating organisms
considered resistant with MICs of 8-16μg/ml and
16-32μg/ml for doripenem/meropenem and cefepime,
respectively, which is significantly greater than if the same
dosage regimen were infused over the standard 30 minutes
(15). Piperacillin/tazobactam dosing regimens can also be
optimized by employing continuous or prolonged infusion
administration. Kim and colleagues found that a 4.5g
every 6 hour dose (with each dose infused over 3 hours)
would achieve a similar pharmacodynamic exposure to
the same daily dose (18.0g) administered as a continuous
infusion, and both would have higher probabilities of
target attainment than the standard 4.5g every 6 hour (30
minute infusion) dose (16). Superior clinical outcomes were
observed by Lodise and colleagues after implementing a
piperacillin/tazobactam dosing regimen at their medical
center where all piperacillin/tazobactam orders for 3.375g
every 6 hours (30 minute infusion) were changed to 3.375g
every 8 hours (4 hour prolonged infusions) (17). In patients
P. aeruginosa
infections, the prolonged infusion had
a lower 14-day mortality rate (12.2% vs. 31.6%, p=0.04)
and shorter hospital stay (21 days vs. 38 days, p=0.02)
that reached statistical significance when limited to
critically-ill patients with an APACHE II score of
17. A
number of clinical trials, mostly observational in design,
have been conducted with continuous or prolonged
infusion beta-lactams. A more thorough review of these
studies is outside the scope of this paper, but can be found
here (15,18). However, the most rigorous designed clinical
studies comparing continuous infusion directly to the
same beta-lactam administered as a standard 30 minute
infusion include the BLING (Beta-Lactam INfusion Group) I
and II studies, which were both multicenter, prospective,
double-blind, randomized controlled trials (19,20).
BLING I (19) enrolled 60 patients with severe sepsis who
were randomized to continuous infusions of piperacillin/
tazobactam, meropenem or ticarcillin/clavulanate or the
same drugs administered as an intermittent schedule.
Clinical cure in the continuous infusion arm was 70%
compared with only 43% (p=0.037) in the intermittent
infusion treated patients. T
MIC was also significantly
greater in the continuous arm. BLING II (20) enrolled 432
patients from 25 intensive care units across Australia,
Asia and Europe. The larger study, however, did not find
a difference in the primary endpoint, which was alive
intensive care unit free days at day 28, a different and
more challenging endpoint from the earlier trial. BLING
II had notable limitations including a high prevalence
of susceptible bacteria. In summary, most studies with
continuous and prolonged infusion beta-lactams have
demonstrated their greatest value in treating patients who
are more critically ill and infected with higher MIC pathogens
(i.e., less susceptible).
[REV. MED. CLIN. CONDES - 2016; 27(5) 615-624]