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While fluoroquinolones are considered concentration-

dependent antibiotics, the maximum dose that can be

safely administered is limited by dose-related central

nervous system toxicity, thus a Cmax/MIC of 10 to 12

cannot be achieved against many pathogens, and the time

that concentrations are maintained above the MIC must

be considered to maximize response. Therefore, in many

pharmacodynamic studies, the bactericidal effect has been

correlated with AUC/MIC (21). Against Gram-negative

bacteria, a total AUC/MIC

125 is most often quoted as being

required for maximal effect, while Gram-positive bacteria,

such as Streptococcus


e, require a free AUC/


30 (22,23). It is important to consider, however, which

fluoroquinolone was used in each pharmacodynamic study

since protein binding varies substantially across agents and

therefore, the total AUC/MIC targets may be different. In

a study of 74 patients receiving ciprofloxacin for serious

nosocomial infections predominantly due to Gram-negative

bacteria, a total AUC/MIC below 125 was associated with

a lower probability of clinical and microbiologic response

(22). Additionally, an AUC/MIC above 125 and above 250

were significantly associated with shorter median times

to eradication (AUC/MIC


125:32 days, 125-250:6.6 days,


250:1.9 days, p


0.005). Correcting for ciprofloxacin protein

binding of 40%, the ƒAUC/MIC threshold would be


75. In

another study, a levofloxacin total drug AUC/MIC exposure

87 was prospectively determined to be predictive of

eradication in 47 patients with nosocomial



Correcting for levofloxacin protein binding, the ƒAUC/MIC

target would be


65, a value quite similar to the exposure

required for ciprofloxacin against Gram-negative bacteria.

Although fluoroquinolones are widely prescribed antibiotics,

from a pharmacodynamic perspective, they are unable to

achieve optimal pharmacodynamic exposure at standard

dosages for not only bacteria considered resistant, but

also a number of bacteria that the microbiology laboratory

would classify as susceptible. This is a result of a higher

than acceptable breakpoint used to define susceptibility for

Gram-negatives (

1mg/L for ciprofloxacin and

2mg/L for

levofloxacin). Pharmacodynamic simulation studies suggest

the proper breakpoints should be 0.25mg/L and 0.5mg/L,

respectively, which would significantly increase resistance

rates further at most hospitals, particularly against

P. aeruginosa

(25). As a result, even aggressive regimens

such as ciprofloxacin 400mg every 8 hour and levofloxacin

750mg every 24 hour have achieved low probabilities of

attaining the required pharmacodynamic exposure against

Gram-negative bacteria. The empiric use of the antibiotics

as monotherapy for Gram-negative infections should be

discouraged unless MIC data suggests adequate exposure

is feasible.


Although vancomycin success for Gram-positive infections

has historically been thought to be associated with trough

values, and thus T


MIC, contemporary data suggests

that the AUC/MIC ratio best predicts outcomes for this

time-dependent antibiotic (26). Studies in patients with

pulmonary infections caused by

S. aureus

observed that

vancomycin response was associated with a total drug



345, and microbiological eradication was

associated with an AUC/MIC


400. Alternative supportive

data are provided by studies suggesting that clinical

responses in

S. aureus

bacteremia were poor when the MIC



1mg/L; at this MIC, the standard vancomycin dose (1g

every 12 hours) does not attain these AUC/MIC exposures

in patients with normal renal function. A consensus

statement from the Infectious Diseases Society of America

(IDSA), Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP),

and American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacist

(ASHP) recommended that a loading dose of vancomycin

be administered, particularly in critically ill patients,

followed by doses of 30mg/kg daily to achieve troughs of

15 to 20mg/L (26). However, in clinical scenarios where

the vancomycin MIC was 2mg/L without clinical response,

strong consideration for switching to an alternative

antibiotic was suggested. The challenge with optimizing

vancomycin based on the AUC/MIC ratio is 2 fold. First,

to estimate an accurate AUC, multiple concentrations

throughout the dosing interval are required; a trough alone

or peak alone strategy to estimate AUC underestimated

exposure by 23% and 14%, respectively (27). An approach

that uses a single trough value, or multiple (at least 2

samples over the dosing interval) concentrations, combined

with Bayesian estimation of the AUC was significantly

better at predicting the true AUC (


97% accurate). The

second challenge lies with the MIC test itself. The error in

accurate determination of the MIC is permitted to be 100%

in either direction, meaning that an MIC of 1mg/L is the

same as 0.5 and 2mg/L, thereby providing a 4 fold range in

potential exposures. A patient who achieves a 24 hour AUC

of 400mg*h/L infected with a bacteria reported as an MIC

of 1mg/L may actually have an AUC/MIC exposure between

200 and 800 based on variability of the MIC alone. As a

result, the IDSA MRSA guidelines emphasize assessment of

the patient response to therapy (28). Despite these well

documented challenges, vancomycin remains the gold

standard for the treatment of MRSA infections.


Tigecycline, the first member of the glycylcycline

antibiotic class, portrays time-dependent activity, and

the pharmacodynamic target most closely associated