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with efficacy is the ƒAUC/MIC. In a murine


model, ƒAUC/MIC ratios of 2.17 and 8.78 were required

to produce 1 and 2 log kill, respectively, against

Acinetobacter spp

(29). Using the data from the Phase

3 clinical trial in treatment of hospital acquired


, a ƒAUC/MIC

0.9 was associated with an 8

fold higher probability of clinical success (30). After a

loading dose of 100mg followed by 50mg every 12 hours,

the steady state tigecycline AUC0-24 is



Considering tigecycline protein binding is 80%, the

fAUC0-24 would be


0.94mg*h/L, which is similar to the

median fAUC0-24 observed during the hospital acquired


study, 1.08mg*h/L (range: 0.35-4.02). As

a result, standard doses of tigecycline achieve optimal

exposure using the clinical pharmacodynamic threshold

when the MIC is


1mg/L, or


0.5mg/L if the 1-log

CFU reduction target is applied. The FDA susceptibility

breakpoint is

2mg/L, whereas the EUCAST breakpoint is

1mg/L. Unfortunately, limited clinical data are available

to validate these observations, and variable outcomes

with standard dosing tigecycline have been reported.

A recent clinical trial of 55 patients with extensively


A. baumannii

bacteremia compared

14 day mortality between a colistin/carbapenem and

colistin/tigecycline combination (31). Patients received

a standard tigecycline dosage. The colistin/tigecycline

combination was independently associated with excess

14 day mortality, but only in the subgroup of patients

with a tigecycline MICs greater than 2mg/L. Because of

poor clinical outcomes during the



studies, doubling the dose of tigecycline to a 200mg

loading dose followed by 100mg every 12 hours has

become clinically fashionable to treat MDR gram-

negative bacteria. This aggressive dose improved clinical

cure (57.5% vs 30.4%, p=0.05) but not ICU mortality

(48.4% vs 66.6%, p=0.14) in critically ill patients with

CRAB and CRE infections (32). The majority of patients,

however, still received tigecycline in combination with a

second antibiotic such as colistin.


Polymyxin B and colistin (polymyxin E) have re-emerged

into clinical practice because of their gram-negative activity

against MDR organisms. Both antibiotics were developed

during a time when pharmacodynamic studies were not

required nor widely understood for new compounds;

therefore, until a short time ago, package insert dosing

recommendations were largely incorrect. Contemporary

dosing regimens based on pharmacodynamic concepts have

only recently begun to be understood, and the majority of

available data has been contributed with colistin. Colistin

displays concentration-dependent killing, and most

studies suggest that the ƒAUC/MIC is best associated with

bactericidal activity (33). Using the murine, thigh infection

model, a ƒAUC/MIC of 12 was required to achieve a 2 log

reduction against

P. aeruginosa

and A.



However, in the murine lung infection model, this ƒAUC/MIC

exposure increased to 48 for a 1 log reduction; furthermore,

2 of 3 A.


strains tested never achieved this level

of killing with any exposure tested. Considering colistin

protein binding is approximately 50% in humans and

estimating exposure over 24 hours, average steady state

concentrations of 1 and 4mg/L correspond with ƒAUC/

MIC ratios of 12 and 48, respectively, when the colistin

MIC is 1mg/L. Notably, colistin induced nephrotoxicity is

concentration dependent and disproportionally increases

with concentrations greater than 2.5mg/L. It should

therefore become quickly apparent to the reader that the

exposures required for efficacy significantly overlap with

those that produce toxicity. Moreover, these required

exposures are at an MIC of only 1mg/L; greater exposures

are proportionally required for higher MICs. At the time of

writing, the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)

and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility

Testing (EUCAST) were in discussions to harmonize

colistin breakpoints. EUCAST defines susceptibility against

P. aeruginosa


4mg/L, and against

A. baumannii




2mg/L. CLSI uses

2mg/L for the

non-fermenting gram-negatives, but has no breakpoint

defined for enterobacteriaceae. Based on contemporary

pharmacokinetic data from Garonzik and colleagues (34),

the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved updated

dosing suggestions for patients with varying degrees of

renal function. This was followed by recommendations from

the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A summary of

these new dosing recommendations is provided in Table 2.

An ensuing simulation study compared the EMA and FDA

dosing recommendations with standard physician dosing

(35). Both EMA and FDA doses resulted in greater average

steady-state concentrations compared with physician

selected doses, and EMA dosing provided the highest

average concentrations across the creatinine


(CrCL) ranges. However, recommended dosing regimens

from both agencies were able to provide a high probability

of steady-state concentrations above 2mg/L when CrCL was

80 ml/min. Therefore, caution is advised in using colistin

as monotherapy when patients have good kidney function,

MICs above 1mg/L, or both.

Although studies are still pending, polymyxin B is assumed

to have a similar pharmacodynamic profile to colistin in that

a ƒAUC/MIC of


12 is required for 2 log CFU reductions (33).

However, unlike colistin, polymyxin B is not a prodrug, thus

[REV. MED. CLIN. CONDES - 2016; 27(5) 615-624]